Power Sector


China Datang adheres to the concept of green development by continuously optimizing the power supply structure. It accelerates the development of wind, solar and other renewable power, vigorously develops high-quality hydropower and develops cogeneration projects according to local conditions. Besides, it also actively develops nuclear power and clean and efficient large-scale coal power, and continues to increase the proportion of low-carbon clean energy installed capacity. As of the end of 2019, clean energy accounted for 36.23%. China Datang owns the world's largest thermal power plant-Tuoketuo Power Plant, with a total installed capacity of 6,720MW; the world's largest wind farm-Saihanba Wind Farm, with a total installed capacity of 1,510MW.


Datang Tuoketuo Power Plant, with a total installed capacity of 6,720MW, is the largest operating thermal power plant in the world.


Saihanba Wind Farm is the world's largest wind farm invested and operated by the same entity within the same region


Datang Longtan Hydropower Station has many world records including "the highest RCC dam and the largest underground powerhouse"