Technical Service


Since 2005, China Datang has carried out O&M services in more than 10 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Sao Tome, Turkey, India, and Saudi Arabia, and has dispatched thousands of technicians. China Datang Overseas Electric Technology and O&M Co.,Ltd. was established at the end of 2015, exploring overseas technology service market and building a professional O&M brand.

As of the end of 2019, 5 secondary subsidiaries of CDT were engaged in overseas technical service business. A total of 10 overseas technical service projects are under implementation, involving 7 countries including Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Turkey and Sao Tome.


2 × 660MW Payra ultra-supercritical coal-fired project in Bangladesh, whose O&M project is undertaken by China Datang, is the largest thermal power project under construction in Bangladesh. 

CDT is providing technical instruction and O&M services for three thermal power plantsin Indonesia, including the 3×300MW Cilacap Power Plant, the 660MW Adipala Power Plant and the 2×135MW Jeneponto Power Plant. With CDT’s support and services, the rating of Cilacap Project for main equipment overall performance rose to fifth among all the units and first among all Chinese-made units connected to the Indonesian national grid. Also, Cilacap is awarded Excellent Power Plant by PLN for contributing to the safe power supply for Central Jawa area.


Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian visits Cilacap Power Plant in Indonesia.


2×135MW Jeneponto Power Plant O&M Project in Indonesia


Indonesia Cilacap Power Plant O&M Project has been implemented for more than 10 years.

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